Gettin' Sh*te Done - we a' huv tae dae it, micht as well mak' the maist o' it!

Gettin' Sh*te Done - we a' huv tae dae it, micht as well mak' the maist o' it!

Ye know tha' thing when ye've been workin' hard an' puttin' a' yer blood, sweat an' tears intae sumthin'? Then, lo an' behold it turns oot e'en better than ye cuid huv iver hoped? Weel, this is the way o' it wi' this latest Wee Book! Honest tae Crivvens, it's a game changer! It's a' aboot the stuff we huv tae face frae day tae day an' how we can best get wur heids wrapped 'roond it a', put it a' in order an' get oan wi' the REAL business o' livin'!

The Wee Book o' Gettin' Sh*te Done is a' aboot changin' the way we approach the stuff o' life so's we mak' the maist o' wur days, so we become easy an' productive, happy an' upbeat.

It taks aboot 66 days tae change yer habits - SIXTY SIX DAYS! - an' this Wee Book is wi' ye ivry step o' the way as it encourages ye tae mark yer changes wan day a' a time. It's yer new best pal, thon wan tha' staunds aside ye an' cried, 'ye can dae this, ye belter!'

Aye, ye got this, so ye huv. Gaun yersel'.