Going Viking!

We've been lucky enough tae be workin aboard an amazin cruise ship which hus travelled up tae the Northern Isles o' Scotland in recent weeks. This…

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Podcasts - Much Hilarity an Outrageous Behaviour!

Did ye know that Susan an her writer pals, Mary an Lea, AKA The Book Whisperers can be heard titterin away lik wee bairns oan their wild, outrageous an sumtimes highly entertainin podcasts? Huv a wee listen fur yersel? Jist copy an paste:

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A Country Finalist? Jings, such brilliant news!

We are so chuffed! 'The Nibbies' are jist such brilliant awards an we're jist so privileged tae become wan o' their country finalists. We're jist so grateful tae a'body who gives us support an constant friendship. Thank you!

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Podcast? Oh yes! We cannae wait!

We've been plannin tae launch wur BIG VOICES podcast fur quite a while noo an now it's aboot tae become a reality, we're jist SO excited! We're lucky enough tae know a good number…

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Best Product - Scotland's Trade Fair 2023!

Ye've nae idea how chuffed we were tae be presented wi the Best Product Award fur wur books, Bea and Brodie's Big Book of Creativity and Jock the Fox in the Tartan Socks! We…

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The Herald Awards - finalists? Hurray!!

Oh jings, this is jist too excitin fur words!!!

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Now ye can listen tae Bea and Brodie!

Not only are we so chuffed an excited aboot Bea and Brodie's third book - which is a very different workbook - but we're also chuffed tha it comes wi a FREE audio track. Jings, wha fun we hud recordin tha! Bea and Brodie's Creativity Bubble can be listened tae…

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Award Nominations? Twa categories? Jings, crivvens an help ma wotsit!


Ah cannae tell ye how chuffed ah am tae be nominated fur twa awards by Womens Enterprise Scotland, thon amazin organisation which hus meant a lot tae The Wee Book Company o'er past years. Bein nominated fur ADAPTIVE…

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Wee Bee Company

Andrew's Wee Bee Company is crackin oan an it's only gone an bin nominated fur an award! Woo hoo dee doo bee doo!

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Bea and Brodie - who are they?

We've been wurkin oan wur next Bea an Brodie book - Big Book o' Creativity - an we're a'wiys struck by how calm an happy we are whenever thae wee characters get unner wur skin. We love them! There's a charm aboot how big Brodie feels the ups an…

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Yess!!! Got tae gie the credit tae Andrew, the Wee Sales Tornado!

This Awards Nicht definitely belonged tae Andrew. He's wur Wee Sales Tornado, makin genuine friendships wi wur truly amazin customers aw across Scotland an beyond. Gaun yersel!

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Scottish Pipes an' Drums

We've been wurkin' oan the Scottish Pipes an' Drums book fur quite sum time an' we're LOVIN' it! By giein' a wee peek behind the scenes, we're hopin' tae highlight tha' there's so much goin' oan roond…

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We've been nominated? Hurray!

We've been nominated as a finalist in the Business Resilience category. We're so so chuffed! We've wurked so hard tae no' only keep the wheels oan o'er the past few years but tae expand wur ranges, tae be…

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HURRAY!!! Highly Commended? HURRAY!!

We are so chuffed tae be recognised a' the prestigious British Book Awards. Jist so chuffed!

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Children's Books Exploring Mental Health and Wellbeing

We're SO chuffed tha' Bea and Brodie's Mindful Journey is listed as wan o' the books recommended by the Scottish Book Trust fur children's mental health an' wellbeing. This is really wha'…

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Amazin' who ye bump intae!

Whilst we were oan wur travels seein' customers near Balmoral, guess who we bumped intae? Huv a book fur the grandweans? Och, gaun. It'd be rude not to!

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Tootlin' Aboot in Van Morrison

We're LOVIN' tootlin' aboot in Van Morrison. Gies us a chance tae meet wur customers - new an' auld…

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STORM emerges frae the sea an walks through Alloa

We hud the most amazin time today followin STORM, the ten metre high sea goddess created by Vision Mechanics, as she walked roond Alloa. Very inspirin, very movin wi a clear message which sounded loud an clear.

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Nominee? Me? Hurray!


Nominated fur a Positivity Award? Crackin'! (mind, they huvnae seen me chunterin' awa' first thing in the morn afore ah sink ma first coffee!)

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The brilliant Gavin

Not only is Gavin a great author, he is also wur new publishin' assistant. He's jist brilliant an' a joy tae wurk wi'! Featured in the Scotsman, the Edinburgh Evening News an' the Edinburgh Reporter, we cuidnae be mair proud!

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Family Business O' The Year - Finalists!

Well, it's jist brilliant tae receive an email unexpectedly tellin' ye tha' ye're through tae the national finals o' a major competition, isn't it? We're through tae the finals o' the People's Choice Awards, which is a mahooooosive thing as it's wur readers an' followers tha' mean the wurld tae us. Thank you,…

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Introducing Gavin Keddie, a talented creative writer

Our new publishing assistant, Gavin is not only brilliant a' his job but he's also a very talented writer, photographer an' all-round creative. He's put together a wee film giein' us a flavour o' his work an' hus been practisin' his skills oan design software tae come up wi' his ain newsletters. He's so diligent, such a quick learner, a joy tae work wi' an' a real inspiration tae us all! Click…

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Midlothian Business Champions - Finalists!

We're SO chuffed tae huv been selected as wan o' the finalists in the Town and County Business Champions competition! We've wurked so hard o'er lockdoon tae keep a'thin' oan the rails an' we've been passionate supporters o' Midlothian, wur beloved stompin' ground. Wan o' the things we love aboot it, apart frae its…

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British Book Awards

We're so honoured an' delighted tae huv been recognised a' the British Book Awards. We've wurked sooo hard an' tae be recognised lik' this hus jist put the biggest smiles oan wur faces. Woo hoo dee doo bee doooooo!!

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Dear Old Aunty May's Giving Some Sage Words Of Advice ...

We have missed her! Thankfully, the old Morningside gal's back in the saddle!

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Book of the Month - Q & A

There's a braw write-up aboot Bea and Brodie's Mindful Journey oan the Scottish Book Trust's website, wi' a Q & A wi' wur Susan. Crackin'! Click here: Book Of The Month, March 2021

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In Memory o' Susan's Much Loved Dad, Tony Cohen, past Scottish Amateur Heavyweight Champion


Susan's Dad (in the photo) passed away in 2020 an' wus a two-time Scottish amateur heavyweight champion oan the Heighlan Games circuit as well as a shinty player who played fur Scotland. He wus an' amazin' amateur sportsman.…

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Book of the Month! March, 2021

We're so chuffed that Bea and Brodie's Mindful Journey has been chosen as The Scottish Book Trust's Book of the Month in March, 2021. As part o' the Book Trust's promotional campaign, our Susan did this Q & A session: Q: Why do you think mindfulness is so important for children (especially in the current context)? A: Now, more than ever, it is vitally important for children to learn…

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The British Book Awards - Woo hoooooo!

We were sooooo chuffed today tae find oot tha' we've been named as wan o' Scotland's finalists for the award o' Small Press of the Year, 2021. It's made us so happy! Thank ye, ivrybody fur the support ye gie us!

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Inverness Courier

Och, it's so nice when ye get a wee write-up in the newspaper o' yer hame toon. Big thanks tae journalist, Louise Glen fur takin' the time oot fur a chat an' fur makin' such a grand job o' the article. Inverness Courier

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Introducin' Wur Youtube Channel!

We've got sum crackin' stuff oan youtube. Tak' a wee look. Bea an' Brodie jist come alive when they're read by sports presenter, Mark Donaldson. Hunners o' thanks tae ye, Mark! CLICK HERE…

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Scots Humour - A Match In Thon Place Cried Heaven


On 21st January, 2021 wur ain Susan delivered a wee talk as part o' the National Library o' Scotland's Events Programme oan Scots Humour. Here's the link tae it. Tak' a swatch an' huv a wee chuckle? CLICK HERE

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Trade Fairs? Live Events? How We Miss Ye!

Dae ye iver huv wan o' thae days when ye miss gaun aboot, meetin fowk, huvin a laff, huvin a chat, mebbes even huvin a wee cup o tea an a hobnob in a tearoom? Aye? Weel, we're huvin wan o' thae days!…

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Bea and Brodie's Mindful Journey


Wan o' the maist remarkable things aboot this book - apart frae the fact tha' the furst print run hus a' but sold oot in a matter o' weeks an' tha' it's e'en got intae the haunds o' Formula 1's David Coutlhard - is tha' it a' came aboot by a writer meetin' an artist who a'ready hud a…

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Robert Burns - Wur Hero!


This book is so close tae wur hearts! Robert Burns is wur HERO! The eye-waterin' passion o' the man cries oot tae ye frae ivry line he left behind fur us. Jings! Wharra talent! This Wee Book is intended nae as a piece o' scholarly wurk but rather a wee taster tae introduce ye tae the sheer joy an' beauty o' the Bard's poetry. Leaf through it wi' a nice wee…

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Shortlisted? Us? Family Business o' the Year, 2021? Hurray!


An email arrived today tellin' us tha' we've been nominated fur Family Business o' the Year! Jings! Noo, is tha' guid news, or wha'? It cheered us up oan this furst day o' Lockdoon.

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Poems Frae Wur Hearts


We're so excited aboot this book o' poems! Oot in time fur Valentine's Day 2021, it's no' jist fur couples…

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St Andrews Day 2020 - One Million Words of Kindness

Wurkin' in Midlothian is a joy! Bringin' us a' the gither wi' a wee poem wus a delight. Susan took no time at all tae rustle up this poem entitled 'Dig In' as part o' the Scottish Government's…

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Coorie In? A Wee Book fur wur times!


Since we're stuck a' hame mair an' mair, we thocht it wus aboot time tae come up wi' a Wee Book which made us see the lichter side o' bidin' indoors. This Wee Book is provin popular as it's gone intae its 2nd print run a'ready!

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The Book Whisperers Celebrate St Andrew's Day!

We rustled up a wee poem an' efter much hilarity, we got through it!

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Nomination Fur An Award? Me? Wee Me? Crackin'!


This year's been a tough wan, nae doubt aboot it but we've tried tae crack oan wi' things as best we can. When sumthin' lik' this happens - bein' nominated fur a Business Award - it maks yer wee heart swell. Naw, naw, tha's no' a tear in ma e'en. Ah've bin choppin' onions. Aye, right.

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St Andrews Day 2020 - One Million Words of Kindness

Our Susan wrote a poem tae celebrate St Andrews Day which brought us a' the gither - online at least! It wus a lovely thing. No' a dry eye in the hoose.

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Federation of Small Businesses - Finalist - Scotland - Start-Up Business of the Year


Wharra great surprise to huv this certificate drap through the letterbox! So chuffed!

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We Won! Scots Business o' the Year, Scots Language Awards 2020

Jings! We only went an' won an award - an' frae wur ain sittin' room tae! The Scots Language Awards held an oanline awards ceremony this past Saturday an' we won! We won, we won,…

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Wurds, Wurds, Wurds!

Hoof it o'er tae wur facebook page an' tak' a swatch a' wur Wurds o' the Day. Wur Wee Book Fowk luv wur daily wurds so much tha' we thocht it wus aboot time tha' we came up wi' a new book which hus a' wur favr'ties an' hus…

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Lockdoon? Social Distancin'? Och, we'll jist huv tae go wi' it ...

Aye, okay so it's no' tha' funny, is it? But if we dinnae try tae keep smilin', we're gaun tae lose the plot! Keep singin'!

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Black Lives Matter


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Life Lessons in Lockdoon

We've been very aware o' fowk's trauma an' distress durin' thae lockdoon times an' we've tried wur level best tae put good positive stuff oan tae wur facebook page which hopefully raise a few smiles noo an' then. Tae a'body oot there we send wur heartfelt luv. Keep diggin' in, try tae keep yer spirits up. It's no' forever, it's jist fur noo.

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Introducin' Wur Book Whisperer Pals


Aye, the Book Whisperers' trio o' authors are VERY professional. We huv VERY high level discussions behind the scenes. As ye can see, we tak' things VERY serious. An' we're obviously copin' wi' this lockdown malarkey VERY well. Nae bother. Susan's chuffed an' delighted tae be wurkin' wi' thae twa crackin' authors who are jist the maist crazy mental fabuliss talented humans. The energy generated by a' three…

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Stir Crazy! Self Isolation Tales


The Book Whisperers' facebook page hus so far attracted 800 fowk. Tha's amazin', eh? Wha's e'en mair amazin' is tha' thae beautiful fowk huv started tae post pieces o' their own truly stunnin' writin'. Seein' as we're livin' in extraordinary times, we've a' decided tae compile a book called 'Stir Crazy' which'll be a compilation o' the Whisperer's work. It'll record wur hopes, wur fears, wur sorrows an'…

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Stay strong - coronavirus self isolation - The Book Whisperers


During thae troubled times, we so-o-o want tae help fowk oot there who are feelin' alone an' anxious so we huv teamed up wi' twa o' wur pals, authors Mary Turner Thomson an' Lea Taylor, tae offer a free 6 week kickstarter book-writin' course. We're…

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The Outlander's 'Sassenach'


Wan o' the beauties o' the series 'Outlander' is the way language is used. The Gaelic is bandied aboot hither an' thither bringin' it richt intae wur hearts an' giein' it a' a sense o' ither-wurldliness. Mind, it's the wurd 'sassenach' which is wan o' the wurds which hus gripped a'body's imagination. The wurd comes frae the gaelic 'sasunnach' which referred…

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Dreich, Drookit, Mingin', Buggert ...


Thing aboot wur Scots language is tha' it does wha' it says oan the tin. The wurds express so much tha' it maks the imagination flee! Tha's why we choose tae write in broad Scots. It's lik' writin' fuelled by a natural energy, lik' wheechin' alang oan a Calmac wi' the wind blawin' behind…

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A Panto Record-Breaker!

Workin' wi' Allan Stewart, wan o' Scotland's best-loved entertainers, hus been a joy, a sheer joy! Huvin' been a' the top o' his game fur so long, playin' pantomime dame at the King's…

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Gettin' Shte Done - we a' huv tae dae it, micht as well mak' the maist o' it!

Ye know tha' thing when ye've been workin' hard an' puttin' a' yer blood, sweat an' tears intae sumthin'? Then, lo an' behold it turns oot e'en better than ye cuid huv iver hoped? Weel, this is the way o' it wi' this latest Wee Book! Honest tae Crivvens, it's a game changer! It's a' aboot the stuff we huv tae face frae day tae day…

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Scotland's Trade Fair Autumn

We feel so lucky cos we're jist back frae Scotland's Autumn Trade Fair, huvin' had a hooley! We met so many crackin' fowk an' we displayed a couple o' new posters we'd rustled up a' the last minute. We want tae say a heartfelt…

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Thaur's nothin' lik' the excitement o' takin' delivery o' a new book frae Bell & Bain, wur printers. Sure…

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A'hings Tae Dae Wi' The Kitchen


Sumtimes, cookin' doesnae go accordin' tae plan in the kitchen. We know tha' only too well wursel's! We're wurkin' awa' oan sum new kitchen journals tha' are goin' tae be a richt hoot: 'Bite Ma Scone' (fur bakin') an' 'If It's Broon It's Cooked, If It's Black It's Buggert' (cookin'). Wha' a laff we're haein' wi' thae new titles! 'How NO' Tae Throw A Teaparty' has made…

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Big Tam's Kilted Wurkoots is Oooot Noooo!

Big Tam's Kilted Wurkoots is no' Tam Rannachan's furst book, but it is the best-est! Tam's been a personal trainer fur as lang as he can remember ...…

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Greetin' Cards

We're lucky enuf tae huv retail clients who are keen tae give us feedback oan wur business an' wan o' the things we've been asked time an' again is, 'wha' else dae ye sell as well as yer books'? Hmmmm. Weel, the 'wha' else' hus turned oot tae be a range o' greetin' cards!…

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Big Tam's Kilted Wurkoots featured on BBC Radio Scotland

Big Tam hoofed it o'er tae the BBC studios the day tae talk tae Kaye Adams aboot how his new book addresses…

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Latest Arrival - Wee Book O' Pure Stoatin' Joy

JOY HUS ARRIVED! HURRAY! Thaur's nae big secret tae feelin' foo o' the joys, it's a feelin' we can a' generate by wursel's. So, dinnae fash! Park yer erse doon in yer favourite chair an' relax. Let this Wee Book be yer best friend fur a while. Let it melt a' warm an' toasty in yer haunds…

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Award Winners? Who us? Ya dancer!


Edinburgh Reporter Weel, we exhibited a' wur furst trade fair, an' we won an award. An award! Did we mention tha' we won an award? Weel, we won an award! Wur furst wee book won an award an' we got all…

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The Wee Book O' Grannies' Sayin's


When we wur gettin' the gather material fur wur furst Wee Book, The Wee Book o' Grannies' Sayin's, we were struck by jist how much times hud moved oan. Grannies today are oot there, giein' it laldie an' then sum. They're auf bungee jumpin' an' queuing fur the loos at Glastonbury, they're gaun tae the gym an' trainin' fur marathons, they're hoofin' up tae Everest base camp an' postin' a' o'er…

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