Bea and Brodie - who are they?
We've been wurkin oan wur next Bea an Brodie book - Big Book o' Creativity - an we're a'wiys struck by how calm an happy we are whenever thae wee characters get unner wur skin. We love them! There's a charm aboot how big Brodie feels the ups an doons o' human emotions but it's wee flighty Bea who can see the bigger picture. She's the wan who manages tae help her big pal see tha no matter how he's feelin in tha moment, it'll all pass an a'thing's fine. Frae her perspective, she hus a very different wurld view an tha's of great importance tae the stories the pals tell us - it's aw aboot perspective. We wur aw born wi the ability tae regulate wur ain thocht processes, nae matter wha's kickin auf roond aboot us. We dinnae need tae be caught up in aw the stramash! We can keep wursel's calm an mindful. We can aw decide tae mak each day a guid day. We jist huv tae stay aware, an keep wur wits aboot us - like wee Bea!